ISSN-0037-8712 (PRINT) - ISSN-2175-1188 (ONLINE)
Research Articles |
The existence result for a system of generalized mixed Xin-bo YANG and Jian-wen PENG |
09 |
A note on iterative solutions for a nonlinear fourth order ode Edson Alves, Emerson Arnaut de Toledo, Luiz Antonio Pereira Gomes and Maria Bernadete de Souza Cortes |
15 |
The beginning of the Fucik spectrum for a Steklov Problem Aomar Anane,Omar Chakrone, Belhadj Karim and Abdellah Zerouali |
21 |
Wave Equation with Acoustic/Memory Boundary Conditions
29 |
Geração de padrões de corte n-grupos para a indústria moveleira Ana Paula Faccio and Socorro Rangel
41 |
A Note on The Convexity of Chebyshev Sets T. D. Narang and Sangeeta
Invariant connections on Euclidean space Rui Albuquerque and Luisa Consiglieri |
65 |
Existence of solutions for a resonant Steklov Problem Aomar ANANE, Omar CHAKRONE, Belhadj KARIM and Abdellah ZEROUALI |
85 |